Field Trip Schedule
The field trip schedule is posted in the workshop. Our club participates in field trips hosted by North Bay Field Trips, as well as trips hosted by our own members. Theres always new field trips being planned, so stop by the shop to see what trips are upcoming!

Avila Beach Trip
Avila beach is always a fun spot to visit. It has deedeeite, some agates, and other pretty treasures. Its also has loads of wildlife, shopping, and traditionally the club goes out for a fancy Italian dinner. Come check the workshop for our next planned trip to Avila!
Russian River Field Trip
The Russian River is a big rock collecting spot. Our club actually visits a couple different locations, but every trip is always fun, and the river always has plenty of great rocks. The river washes from a wide area northward, collecting various colors of jasper, a wide range of metamorphic rocks like schist, and some igneous rocks as well! Located in wine country, the rocks aren’t the only treasures to be found!